Max tap samples = connect a DC block 32.0 with max delay time in samples
Num of samples before reset = connect a DC block 32.0 with desired max time in samples before the Tap Tempo resets. It should be the size of Max tap samples
Num of tapped samples = outputs the number of samples to drive a delay line or a LFO
Reset = when the GPIO input (footswitch) is pressed it outputs a flag
This is an empty algorithm with all registers configured and Indirect Parameter Access Table compiled.
In the schematic space there are 6 DC blocks and 1 Readback block labeled as A0M pot, A1M pot, S1 switch, S3 switch, bypass, kill dry, MIDI CC 0. They are assigned to the following Indirect Parameter Address:
A0M pot DC block (value range in 32.0 format 0-1023) assigned to 24585 address
A1M pot DC block (value range in 32.0 format 0-1023) assigned to 24586 address
S1 switch DC block (value range in 32.0 format 0-1) assigned to 24587 address
S3 switch DC block (value range in 32.0 format 0-1) assigned to 24588 address
Bypass DC block (value range in 32.0 format 0-1) assigned to 24589 address
MIDI CC 0 block (value range in 32.0 format 0-127) assigned to 24591 address
Kill Dry Readback (value range in 32.0 format 0-1) assigned to 24590 address
Use A0M, A1M, S1 and S3 blocks in the schematic as they were additional auxADC (for the pots) and GPIO input (for the switches).
The Bypass DC block monitors the state of the BYPASS footswitch, use it in the algorithm to perform the bypass function.
The Kill Dry Readback communicates to the analog dry path to mute or not the dry signal. Input a 1 in 32.0 format to mute the dry signal and 0 to not mute.
While you are creating and testing the algorithm place the jumper in JP5 so you can control these blocks from SigmaStudio. When you remove the JP5 jumper these blocks will be replaced by physical controls on the pedal.
Receives MIDI CC message to control the volume of 3 oscillators:
MIDI CC 0 controls level of Sine
MIDI CC 1 controls level of Saw
MIDI CC 2 controld level of Square
Very simple algorithm which shows a dual effect selection through toggle switch, reverb level controlled by A0M pot, bypass switch, bypass LED through MP7 and kill dry function.
When bypass is pushed the MP7 LED turns on/off and wet signal is turned on/off.
When toggle switch is engaged it commutes between reverb with dry or tremolo without dry.